Book the latest Events in your area

Are you looking for the latest events in your area? Look no further! Our easy to navigate website allows you to book the latest events quickly and conveniently. With our website, you can easily search for events near you and book them with just a few clicks. No more wasting time trying to figure out where the best events are - now it's all right at your fingertips!

Are you a Venue, Promoter or Organiser? We want to work with you

With more than 10 years’ experiences successfully selling tickets for various promotions and Businesses within the West Midlands and London areas via our Street Promotion and Online Promotion teams, we felt it was time we created an official website.

Want to join an event listed on our website? Here's how you sign up ..

Search for an event that suits your interest

It's really easy to find the events you're looking for using our search system and all the different criteria it offers.

Grab a ticket for the event you want to check out

Choose the type of event ticket that meets your needs and head on over to the checkout page to secure your ticket purchase.

Grab your QR code ticket & make your way to the event!

Once you book, you'll get an e-ticket/QR code via email. You can also download this from your account anytime.

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